How Penny got pregnant after PRP endometrial rejuvenation

Penny had always dreamed of starting a family, but after years of trying to conceive naturally and following several failed IVF attempts, she was losing hope. In this challenging phase of her life, she decided to seek Thanos Paraschos’ opinion when she heard him talking about the latest developments in extracorporeal medicine on a morning show.
The doctor reviewed her tests, which revealed no severe issues. But there was an obstacle, and that was the very thin endometrium that was not sufficient for the implantation of the embryo and for pregnancy to occur.
Her doctor suggested she try a new therapy: endometrial rejuvenation with PRP-enriched blood plasma. The treatment was simple and involved drawing a small amount of blood from her arm, just like when we do blood tests. Nothing complicated that is.
As explained to her by Dr Parashos, the blood is then processed in the laboratory to isolate the growth factors contained in the platelets and thus produce the enriched blood plasma or otherwise known as PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). A small amount of PRP would be inserted into her uterus to help regenerate tissue and thicken the endometrium. If all went well, the endometrium could almost double in thickness and help the embryo implant successfully.
Penny was hesitant at first but was willing to try anything to increase her chances of getting pregnant. Dr Paraschos carefully explained that it wasn’t a guarantee, but it was a good alternative to improve her chances of getting pregnant. It was a simple, non-invasive and affordable procedure worth trying.
The treatment was completed a week later. They then waited two days before Penny returned to EmBIO to find out the outcome. She feared that she would receive bad news, but she was in for a pleasant surprise: her endometrium had increased from 4.9 millimetres to 7.8 in thickness.
The endometrium had nearly doubled in size and the chances of implantation had skyrocketed. They could now proceed with IVF because the problem had been resolved.
Penny was overjoyed when her next IVF attempt resulted in a positive pregnancy test. She couldn’t believe that after all these years, she would finally become a mother. The pregnancy progressed smoothly, and she gave birth to a healthy baby girl.