IVF Success Stories | emBIO IVF Clinic Greece

IVF Success Stories

We would like to share some inspirational true stories of just some of our IVF patients that struggled to reach success and with whom we have had the advantage to be both of service and encourage right from the beginning to the very end of their journey. Our patients are regular people, no different from you and us, who decided to opt for a different kind of IVF experience by combining travel and medical assistance in order to realize their dream: to start a family. 

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The inspiring journey of Danica and Vlado from Serbia

Danica and Vlado, originally from Serbia, share their inspiring journey of overcoming infertility and fulfilling their dream of becoming parents. After discovering that Danica had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and struggling with unsuccessful IVF attempts in the Czech Republic, they found renewed hope in Greece.

vlado i danica santorini

The treatment, which began in early 2022, led to the development of high-quality embryos from donor eggs. With the PRP treatment boosting Danica’s endometrium, two embryos were successfully implanted. Anxiously awaiting the pregnancy test, the couple received the joyous news that Danica was pregnant with twins.

Vlado and Danica

From Dubai to Athens for gender selection

I gave birth to my first daughter at 21 and my second 2 years later. But then 5 years passed and I hadn't managed to have another child. My husband and I really loved our daughters and thanked Allah for the blessing he gave us, but I know how much my husband wanted a son. 

We went to specialists and they found that I was suffering from endometriosis, that's why every month I suffered so much. The endometriosis had caused damage to my fallopian tubes (adhesions) and conceiving naturally was very difficult now. So we started IVF. I did 3 but to no avail. It seems there was some other problem and I couldn't get pregnant.

My doctor insisted it was just a matter of luck and we had to try again. But it seemed like a waste of time and expense. I had reached 31 and we had already spent quite a bit of money. I wanted a doctor who would tell me "it's this and you're not getting pregnant and the solution is this" instead of talking about unexplained infertility. 

My husband works for a large construction company where people from different countries also work. One of them is a Greek, Mr Kostas T., with whom they had become friends. My husband told him about the problem we were facing and Mr. Kostas told him that his brother had a similar problem and finally managed to have a child with special treatment at the EmBIO clinic in Athens. The doctor there, Dr. Paraschos, had studied in England and his teachers were the pioneers of IVF, Sir Robert Edwards and Lord Robert Wilson. He insisted that if there was one doctor who could find the cause of our infertility, it would be Dr. Paraschos.

Neither myself nor my husband were excited at the prospect of travelling abroad to have IVF, but we decided to talk to the clinic and see what they would say. I called EmBIO, spoke to a coordinator and explained our problem. The girl conferred with the doctor, who asked us to send the tests we had done. She then set up an appointment in 3 days for a video call with Dr. Paraschos. Our conversation with the doctor surprised us because for the first time we were hearing some possible reasons for the failed IVFs we had had. The doctor asked us for specific tests from a geneticist and then wanted to see us in person to decide on the treatment we would undergo.

In two months we were on a plane to travel to Athens. Luckily my husband, because of his job in a large multinational company, spoke very good English and we would have no problem moving to Greece. Besides, all the details of our stay, even the taxi that would pick us up from the Athens airport had been arranged by the clinic.

I don't want to go into details about our examinations, which after all had many medical terms and I didn't understand them all. But it seems that there was a defect in my husband's genes that was causing problems for the embryos and that is why they were unable to survive and develop. The problem was mainly affecting the female embryos and so we had to create male embryos that had been tested to ensure that they would not carry the same condition. There was a solution and that was IVF with microfertilisation, prenatal testing and gender selection. 

I felt strange when I heard about sex selection. Was this allowed by our religion or would we be committing a great sin? My husband insisted that as long as it was done for medical reasons it was not "haram" and allowed by Shariah. I wanted to hear from someone other than my husband, and I called our Imam. He too said the same things as my husband, so I had no objection to proceeding with the treatment.

We had a great time in Athens and managed to take a short trip to Hydra, which is such a picturesque and special island. These three days were necessary to relax a bit before the crucial day of the embryo transfer. From there, things went from there... 

Today it has been 12 months since the day we left Athens to return home and I am breastfeeding my little man, Hamza. Both my husband and I are overjoyed and praise Allah for bringing Mr. Kostas and Dr. Thanos Paraschos our way. May Allah reward them with good.

baby boy sleeping and smiling

United Arab Emirates

Léa from France: travelling abroad for a Miracle

I know that for most women conception is a natural process that happens effortlessly most of the time. It doesn’t require any special medication or treatment. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case for me. I had been with my partner for three years, but I couldn’t get pregnant. Then fertility treatments began: first simple insemination, then in vitro fertilisation.

When I exhausted the treatments offered by the health system in my country and had to pay to continue, I started looking for affordable IVF treatments abroad. I had always loved Greece and had spent many summers on the Greek islands. So I searched for an IVF centre in Greece, found a few, read comments from women about them, made a few choices and contacted them. The prices and success rates were similar, but EmBIO won my trust with its easy online communication via video call and the interest the people at the clinic showed in my case.

I’m not going to talk about the treatment, the professionalism of the clinic staff or the behaviour of the doctor. They were all great, but in the end, it is the result that counts: pregnancy or not.

As I’m writing this on my phone, I can feel my daughter wriggling in my belly, pushing with her tiny hands and feet. We have endured many losses and deep disappointments to get to this point. I have countless medical tests to prove it. But my joy now is indescribable and it will be even greater when I give birth in two months’ time.

A big thank you to EmBIO. I think you deserve it!


EDIT: Lea welcomed her baby girl into the world in March and kindly shared a beautiful photo of them together.

mother and baby, lea and her daughter

Bianca, a single mother from Romania

After four failed IVF attempts in Romania due to poor egg quality, I decided to explore fertility treatments abroad. I came across positive comments about Embio Clinic in Greece and finally chose the clinic based on my instinct and positive phone conversations with the staff. During my first online consultation, I met Dr Thanos Paraschos and Anna, the German-speaking coordinator. As I happen to be fluent in German, I was assigned to Anna. They had carefully reviewed my medical history, understood my situation and were always reassuring.

A month later I flew to Athens. The warmth, kindness and smiles with which I was greeted by the staff at Embio Clinic made a lasting impression on me. Anna guided and accompanied me throughout the process, providing me with the support I needed.

I really appreciate the team of skilled professionals at Embio Clinic, who demonstrated exceptional expertise and dedication throughout my IVF journey. Not only were they attentive to my medical needs, but they also offered emotional support and understanding during a difficult time in my life. Their state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge techniques contributed to the success of my treatment and gave me renewed hope for the future.

I would also like to mention the excellent care the Embio staff took in managing all the travel arrangements. Their attention to detail in organising accommodation, transport and appointments made my trip stress-free and comfortable. I am now overjoyed that my results were positive and I am eagerly awaiting my first scan.

In conclusion, my experience at the Embio Clinic has been life changing. I am deeply grateful to Dr Paraschos, Anna and the entire team at Embio for their support, professionalism and dedication to helping me achieve my dream of becoming a mother. 


EDIT: Throughout her pregnancy, Bianca kept in touch with our clinic and we were delighted to receive the news of her daughter's birth six months ago.

bianca from romania and her baby daughter

Read more:

My perfect pregnancy and the daughter we are expecting

Good evening Mr. Parascho!!!!

I would like to inform you about my perfect pregnancy and the daughter we are expecting!!!🎀🎀💖🎀

A week ago we had the little one's baby shower and it was a beautiful day! Thanks to you we are currently in a house full of baby gear and strollers for our princess!!! I am in my month and at 36 weeks gestation.

I think I'm going to give birth a little early but that has to do with the baby! My doctor would prefer I also give birth a week to 10 days early due to age. I will be giving birth at Tufts Medical Center in Boston and they consider it a good hospital since my insurance is Tufts.

We are thinking when the baby is due in a couple of months we can come to Greece sometime in September and October together. We will arrange by phone to come, first God willing we will visit with the little one and you can meet her in person!!!

I am sending you the baby shower invitation and also the last ultrasound of our little one! 

despoina invitation to baby shower

pregnancy ultrasound

despoina photo from baby shower party

Με εκτίμηση και απέραντη ευγνωμοσύνη!!!!


My three miracles

I wanted to share my wonderful experience at the EmBIO clinic where my husband and I received treatment. Even though the clinic is located far from our home in Denmark, it has completely transformed our lives! Dr. Paraschos, the fertility specialist, and our coordinator Anna have done an exceptional job that we will NEVER forget! They are truly the BEST in the world for helping us have 3 babies - we had triplets and they are all boys. We are incredibly proud of them and will be forever grateful to EmBIO.

We were extremely fortunate to have Anna as our coordinator, who managed all of our appointments and logistics from Denmark. Before coming to EmBIO, we had been trying to conceive for 7 years without success and my wife was constantly disappointed. But now, we are a family and we couldn't be happier!

3 babies triplets

3 boys babies

triplets boys babies

I can confidently say that the treatment we received at EmBIO could not have been better. They took great care of us during our stay and were mindful of our work schedules and budget for travelling back and forth. It felt like a holiday stay.
Thank you to Dr. Paraschos, Anna and EmBIO for making our dreams come true! Thank you Greece ❤️


parents of a wonderful baby girl

Good evening dear  Elena!

We wish you all the best, happiness, good heath and success in everything you do, for the new year 2020!!

Please kindly accept these greetings for Dr Paraschos, as well!

We are so so grateful to you, both, as well, to the embio clinic, for all your hard work and for the miracle from our life!

We are now the parents of a wonderful baby girl, little Zoe Elena, she is healthy and arrived around Christmas time! The perfect Christmas gift ever! I ll send few photos with zoe in this email. 

I hope that you are doing well, and everything is great in your personal and professional life! 

Lots and lots of  thanks again! 

baby girl


baby girl


baby girl


IVF baby girl in car

Best wishes

B + D

Sam and Jessica, a lesbian couple

Sam and Jessica, a same-sex female couple, wanted to create a loving family of their own by having a child. After much deliberation, they chose EmBIO IVF clinic in Athens to assist them on their journey to motherhood. EmBIO is renowned as one of the most reliable fertility clinics in Europe, boasting impressive success rates and receiving glowing testimonials from hundreds of satisfied patients around the globe.

Traveling to Athens for IVF, the two women were overwhelmed with both anxiety and enthusiasm. They were ready for egg retrieval, fertilisation in the laboratory, and embryo retrieval after having undergone various examinations in their home country. Dr. Paraschos and his team reassured them they had a good chance of succeeding upon their arrival, and the treatment began.

Much to Sam and Jessica’s surprise, the process went far more smoothly than they had anticipated. The coordination between the doctors, embryologists, and other staff was flawless, demonstrating the exceptional expertise of all parties involved.

They finally received the exciting news they had been hoping for after two weeks of waiting- Sam was pregnant, and their baby was due in March 2023.

Sam and Jessica sent us these lovely photos and promised to notify us when their baby was born and to send us even more. We are eagerly awaiting to meet the new member of their family!

lesbian couple pregnant with ivf

lesbian woman pregnant with ivf

gay woman pregnant with ivf in greece

gay woman pregnant with ivf in greece

lesbian couple pregnant with ivf in athens, greece

pregnant woman in the snow

pregnant woman winter landscape

Sam and Jessica

My journey

Dear future parents,
Please read on and have faith and hope that things CAN change. I was once in your shoes reading testimonials and thinking will the day come where things will be reversed and I will NOT be reading testimonials for hope but I would write my success story ? And here I am……the miracle FINALLY happened!

After 10 long years of suffering, rushing from clinic to clinic, trying every method possible, trying with NOT ONE BUT 5 different Clinics/Doctors in Australia then to India, USA and South Africa, NOTHING was happening. No one could tell me WHY things were NOT working, when my husband and I were perfectly healthy. All they would say was you are over 40 and things are not looking good.

Then just when I was about to give up hope, I said ONE more try with Embio Medical Centre in Athens, Greece. Thank God I did because it was real miracle, I got pregnant FINALLY but then Covid set in and I couldn’t even fly back to Greece for further treatment as I lived in Australia. Dr Thanos Paraschos however, was with me all the way via phone, emails and working with my Australia team through the whole pregnancy.

Dr Paraschos was the only Doctor in my 10 year journey who said “YES “ you can do this, we have looked at your case and you CAN have a baby, just be patient, and how right was he….he is my saving grace my miracle worker !!! I cannot find words to thank him.

I now have an angel, 2 years of age and to this day the Australian Doctors are lost for words and they cannot believe it, as they failed with me so many times, they themselves called it a real miracle. But looking back in retrospect I could write a book on all my ten year journey and I can honestly say the team at Embio Medical Centre in Athens were VERY different to all the clinics I tried with in Australia and overseas on my 10 year journey.

girl born with ivf with egg donation

At Embio I was seen as an individual case with real empathy for my personal passion to have a family and my treatment was tailored to my individual situation. I was not just another patient and treated like a number, as I had often found in other countries and so many clinics in Australia and I have the experience to say this and compare.

Even though due to Covid I had to give birth in Australia for the 9 months of my pregnancy I felt Dr Paraschos was right next to me with all his professional advice. Even though it was long distance, it made the pregnancy a breeze. That is so important to state as it was my first successful pregnancy. If It wasn’t for Covid I would have flown back to Greece to give birth, as Dr Paraschos deserved to have delivered this miracle child and see the fruits of his hard work with my case.

Because I was over 40 now Dr Paraschos advised donor egg and again Embio Medical Centre go out of their way to match a recipient’s physical features with the donor egg. My baby and I are a perfect match, hair colour, eyes it’s uncanny. I compare my baby photos and now my baby’s photos and we look identical. Even my mother who gave birth to me can’t believe the resemblance. Again all credit to Dr Paraschos and all his team to specialized care for individual cases.

In the case of Australia even the costs of flying to Greece and even the treatment at Embio was ALL cheaper than full IVF treatment in Australia. Even the IVF medication in Greece was cheaper and you can bring it back to Australia. Please remember where there is even a glimmer of hope DON’T give up, keep fighting and just try Embio Medical Centre in Athens and you will see the difference and eventually success. Faith, hope and perseverance will get through this most difficult journey you are now facing and honestly Embio is one of kind in this difficult journey, as they produce results and I am living proof: when all others failed and even told me to stop because I had NO hope at all !!!

Thanks to Dr Paraschos HE proved them all wrong and changed my life for ever bringing me the greatest joy one person could ever have, a living angel on this earth and it’s all MINE 😊

MAY GOD BLESS YOU DR PARASCHOS to help more people like me.


Dear FUTURE parents YES that’s what you are right now, keep thinking this and fight on, I wish you well and hope for the joy that was given to me my Dr Paraschos is given to you also……trust me he delivers in more ways than ONE !!!

The happiest mother in AUSTRALIA if not the world 😊

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cnn mom baby
Dr Paraschos’ Fertility Success Story on CNN