Thanos Paraschos
Thanos Paraschos
Director of EmBIO IVF Medical Center Athens, Greece
Consultant Obstetrician - Gynaecologist at IASO Hospital
IVF - Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery
Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at St. George's University School of Medicine, New York
Senior Registrar/Research Fellow
Hammersmith Hospital
Imperial University
London, UK

Dr. Thanos Paraschos is an internationally acclaimed obstetrician and gynaecologist, specialized in infertility treatments. In November 2022, he was appointed Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at St. George's University School of Medicine, New York.
He took part in the team (T. Paraschos, J. Soussis, J.C. Harper, E. Kontogianni, D. Packham, A.H. Handyside) that performed the world’s first preimplantation genetic diagnosis at Hammersmith Hospital, alongside Lord Professor Robert Winston.
Wolfson fertility clinic at the Hammersmith Hospital was the first clinic to have a baby born by IVF in London. Some of the leading lights in fertility treatment have been part of the Hammersmith team over the years including Professor Robert Winston, specialising in fertility preservation and egg freezing program.
Working with Professor Robert Winston’s team, Thanos Paraschos invented the Rigid Wallace Catheter, used ever since by thousands of scientists worldwide for particularly demanding embryo transfers.
His thorough involvement in medical research on fertility and assisted reproduction technologies comprises important medical publications published in peer-reviewed medical journals. The impact of Dr Paraschos' research οn the scientific community is manifested in the vast number of related citations of his studies by thousands of human reproduction and genetic scientists.
He is the medical director and founder of EmBIO IVF.
Today he is a member of the following fertility societies:
- British Fertility Society
- American Society for Reproductive Medicine - ASRM
- Hellenic Society of Fertility & Sterility (HSFS)
Free Online Consultation with Dr Thanos Paraschos and his team
Read more:
- Medical Training
- Fertility Specialist
- > Trained under Lord Professor Robert Winston
- > Sir R. Edwards (the Pioneer of IVF) and Thanos Paraschos
- Obstetrician
- > Collaboration with Professor Kypros Nicolaides
- Gynaecologist
- Publications in Reer-Reviewed Journals
- Presentations in Infertility & Reproduction
Present Position (1996 – today)
Director of EmBIO IVF and Infertility Studies Medical Unit, Athens, Greece
Consultant Obstetrician - Gynaecologist at IASO Hospital, Athens, Greece
Medical Training
March 1995 - March 1996
to Linsday Mc Millan
Whipps Cross Hospital, London
Department of Gynaecology
> Advanced laparoscopic surgery
Mar 1993 - Mar 1995
to Lord Professor Robert Winston
Hammersmith Hospital
Imperial University, London
Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Royal Postgraduate Medical School
> Infertility and In-Vitro Fertilization studies
Mar 1992 - Mar 1993
to D N Joyce, Philip Smith, Miss G Turner
Southmead Hospital, Bristol, England
> Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Nov 1991 - Feb 1992
to D.N. Joyce and D. McCoy
Southmead Hospital, Bristol, England
> Gynaecology
Feb 1991 - July 1991
to Miss Turner and Philip Smith
Southmead Hospital, Bristol, England
> Obstetrics
Aug 1990 - Jan 1991
to Dr B D Speidel & Professor Neil Marlow
Southmead Hospital, Bristol, England
> Neonatal Paediatrics (Elective experience)
Feb 1990 - July 1990
to Rick Warren and Crocker,
Norfolk and Norwich Hospital
Norwich Norfolk, England
> Gynaecology
Aug 1989 - Jan 1990
to Simon Crocker, Rick Warren, Roger Martin
Norfolk and Norwich Hospital
Norwich Norfolk, England
> Obstetrics
Aug 1988 - July 1989
to Lord Robert Winston & Raul Margara
Hammersmith Hospital
Imperial University, London
Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Royal Postgraduate Medical School
> Fertility Regulation and Infertility studies
SEP 1987 - FEB 1988
to Professor A Tourkantonis
AHEPA University Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece
> General Medicine, Chest Medicine and Neurology
FEB 1988 - AUG 1988
to Professors Siapikas and Bontis
AHEPA and Ippokrateio University Hospital,
Thessaloniki, Greece
> General Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynecology
Read more:
- Medical Training
- Fertility Specialist
- > Trained under Lord Professor Robert Winston
- > Sir Edwards and Thanos Paraschos
- Obstetrician
- > Collaboration with Professor Kypros Nicolaides
- Gynaecologist
- Publications in Reer-Reviewed Journals
- Presentations in Infertility & Reproduction
Fertility Specialist
Running EmBIO Fertility Center in Athens, Greece since 1996, fertility specialist Thanos Paraschos has aided in the conception of more than 30,000 babies.
Thanos Paraschos and the First Preimplantation Diagnosis in the World
He took part in the team (T. Paraschos, J. Soussis, J.C. Harper, E. Kontogianni, D. Packham, A.H. Handyside) that performed the world’s first preimplantation genetic diagnosis at Hammersmith Hospital, alongside Lord Professor Robert Winston.
Trained under Lord Professor Robert Winston
Dr Thanos Paraschos gained his expertise in IVF and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis working for 8 years under Lord Professor Robert Winston.
Who is Lord Robert Winston
Professor Lord Robert Winston was born in 1940. He studied medicine in the London Hospital Medical College and graduated in 1964 with a degree in medicine and surgery and achieved prominence as an expert in human fertility. For a brief time he gave up clinical medicine and worked as a theatre director, winning the National Directors' Award at the Edinburgh Festival in 1969.
Winston joined Hammersmith Hospital as a registrar in 1970 as a Wellcome Research Fellow. He became an associate professor at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium in 1975. He was a scientific advisor to the World Health Organisation's programme in human reproduction from 1975 to 1977. He joined the Royal Postgraduate Medical School (based at Hammersmith Hospital) as consultant and Reader in 1977.
After conducting research as Professor of Gynaecology at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio in 1980, he returned to the UK to run the IVF service set up at Hammersmith Hospital which pioneered various improvements in this technology. He became Dean of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in London until its merger with Imperial College in 1997. He was Director of NHS Research and Development at the Hammersmith Hospitals Trust until 1994. As Professor of Fertility Studies at Hammersmith, Winston led the IVF team that pioneered pre-implantation genetic diagnosis to identify defects in human embryos, and published early work on gene expression in human embryos. He developed tubal microsurgery and various techniques in reproductive surgery, including sterilisation reversal. He performed the world's first Fallopian tubal transplant in 1979 but this technology was later superseded by in vitro fertilisation. Together with Alan Handyside in 1990, his research group pioneered the techniques of pre-implantation diagnosis, enabling screening of human embryos to prevent numerous genetic diseases.
He was the president of the British Association for the Advancement of Science from 2004 to 2005. Together with Carol Readhead of the California Institute of Technology, Winston researched male germ cell stem cells and methods for their genetic modification at the Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, Imperial College London. He has published over 300 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals. He was appointed to a new chair at Imperial College – Professor of Science and Society – and is also emeritus professor of Fertility Studies there. He was Chairman of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Trust and chairs the Women-for-Women Appeal. This charitable trust, which has raised over £80 million for research into reproductive diseases, was renamed the Genesis Research Trust in 1997. From 2001 to 2018 he was Chancellor of Sheffield Hallam University.
Winston is a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FMedSci), an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (HonFREng), a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (FRCOG) and of the Royal College of Physicians of London (FRCP), and is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS Edin), Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (FRCPS Glasg), and the Royal Society of Biology (FRSB). He holds honorary doctorates from twenty-three universities. He is a trustee of the Royal Institution in London, and of the UK Stem Cell Foundation. He is a patron of The Liggins Institute, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Winston holds strong views about the commercialisation of fertility treatment. He believes that ineffective treatments result in great anguish to couples and is alarmed that so many treatments for the symptom of infertility are carried out before proper investigation and diagnosis has been made. He is also sceptical about the effectiveness of current methods for screening human embryos to assess their viability.
In 2002, a major ambition was realised when, under Winston’s leadership, the Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology (IRDB) was opened on the Hammersmith site, with 130 scientists and clinicians working in 12 related research groups carrying out internationally competitive research.
Lord Winston and Alan Handyside led the IVF team at Hammersmith Hospital who invented Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis.
As a Senior Registrar/Research Fellow to Lord Professor Robert Winston, Dr Paraschos was responsible for organising and implementing the PGD programme to patients at Hammersmith Hospital, where the first genetic pre-implantation diagnosis in the world was performed on an embryo.
As a Senior House Officer to Lord Robert Winston and Mr Raul Margara, Dr Paraschos trained UK and foreign obstetricians and gynaecologists from London hospitals on IVF and PGD techniques.
Invented and designed the very first Wallace Catheter for difficult embryo transfers
As a Senior IVF Coordinator (1993-1995) under Robert Winston Thanos Paraschos, along with Raul Margara and Karin Dawson, Thanos Paraschos faced an important challenge: Several embryo transfers were bound to fail due to the patients’ anatomic irregularities (bent cervix, false passages, acutely anteverted and retroverted uterus, fibroids obstructing the cervical canal).
To overcome this problem, Thanos Paraschos designed the rigid Wallace catheter used ever since by thousands of fertility specialists and fertility clinics around the world. The rigid Wallace catheter made embryo transfer possible for millions of women with genital irregularities, increasing IVF pregnancy rates internationally. In 1995 the Wallace Stylet was used for the first time at Hammersmith Hospital by Thanos Paraschos, at the time supervising the hospital’s In Vitro Fertilisation Programme as a Senior IVF Coordinator under Lord Professor Winston.
Introducing the Ultrasound-assisted Embryo Transfer Catheter at the Hammersmith Hospital IVF Unit
During the same time, the fertility team at Hammersmith Hospital realized they needed to see the path followed by the embryo catheter. Up to that point, all embryo transfers were performed blindly solely based on the gynaecologist’s experience. Then, Thanos Paraschos introduced the ultrasound-assisted catheter for embryo replacement.
The sonar-reflection-guided embryo transfer catheter is since used by an increasing number of embryologists, further increasing pregnancy rates worldwide.
Expertise in Fertility Treatments
As a Senior IVF Coordinator at Hammersmith Hospital he trained many gynaecologists from the UK and around the world in all forms of IVF procedures such as ovulation induction for IUI IVF, egg retrieval, embryo transfers etc.
Working with Lord Professor R. Winston for infertility and tubal surgery
Working with Professor Winston, he also performed tubal surgery via an operating microscope, laparoscopy, and hysteroscopy diagnostic procedures for infertility and tubal surgery.
Involved in the daily running of Hammersmith IVF clinic, he performed over a thousand vaginal ultrasound- and abdominal ultrasound scans for follicular monitoring and early pregnancy assessment, as well as numerous postcoital tests, and hysterosalpingography (HSG), laparoscopy, and hysteroscopy diagnostic procedures.
At Southmead Hospital, Bristol, Thanos Paraschos performed numerous tubal surgery and laparoscopy procedures for oocyte retrieval, Gamete Intrafallopian Tube Transfer (GIFT) and embryo transfer. All the above techniques are of great value in the diagnosis and management of early pregnancy, ovarian pathology and uterine pathology problems.
Monitoring patients undergoing induction of ovulation, he gained extensive experience in all forms of ovulation induction and superovulation while performing over a thousand transvaginal oocyte retrievals.
His announcements and published studies on infertility have been used by thousands of fertility doctors and fertility centers around the world, contributing to raising IVF success rates.
Free Online Consultation with Thanos Paraschos and Embio team
Sir Robert Edwards and Dr. Thanos Paraschos, mutual respect for IVF Innovation (first successful IVF cycle in the world)
Thanos Paraschos describes Sir Robert Edwards, the man who won 2010 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his revolutionary contribution in IVF.
Apart from being a brilliant scientist and a brilliant mind, Bob Edwards is a truly modest person who expected his long-due recognition.
Dr Paraschos also emphasizes Bob Edwards’ contribution to regenerative medicine and gene therapies. With his pioneering research, Bob Edwards envisioned regenerating destroyed parts of the human body. Infertility specialists, Embryologist Robert Edwards and Gynecologist Patrick Steptoe were the first to complete a full IVF cycle successfully by extracting an egg, impregnating it with sperm and planting the resulting embryo back into the mother.
In the interview, the 28-year-old, whose pioneering conception by in-vitro fertilisation made her famous around the world, also reveals that she thinks it is wrong for parents to use science to choose the sex of their children and that she was teased at school because she was a "test tube baby".
Louise Brown, the first test-tube baby in the world, has given birth to a child of her own. The boy named Cameron was conceived naturally and without IVF.
He was born weighing 5lb 6oz at St Michael's Hospital in Bristol just before Christmas, and Louise describes him as "tiny but perfect" in an interview with The Mail on Sunday.
Louise's own birth, by Caesarean section in Oldham, Lancashire, caused a media sensation in July 1978.
As a baby, Louise knew nothing about it, of course, but she has since discovered that media attention makes her uncomfortable. "I don't feel any more special than anyone else," she told The Independent on Sunday three years ago.
Then, she made her first public appearance as an adult, at Bourn Hall, near Cambridge, the fertility clinic founded by the men who gave her life. The event was to celebrate the 25th anniversary of her birth.
"I just get on with my life normal," she said at the time, visibly shaking as she spoke because she was so nervous about being interviewed. "Mum and Dad didn't treat Natalie any different from me."
Natalie is her younger sister, who was the 40th IVF baby to be born. And Natalie became the first of them all to have a child of her own, giving birth to a girl called Casey in May 1999.
Louise was five when her parents told her how she had been conceived. " They had it all on video, so Mum and Dad showed that to me at home. It was just before I went to school."
Dr Steptoe died in 1988, but Dr Edwards had stayed close to the family and was guest of honour when, in 2004, Louise married Wesley Mullinder. She met her future husband when he was working as a doorman in a nightclub.
Despite the lifelong media attention, Louise has always sought to stay private rather than make money from her fame. "I get phone calls from mates saying: 'There was a picture of you in the paper', and I say: 'Was there? OK'."

More than a million people are believed to have been conceived using IVF, and about 9,000 babies a year are born due to the procedure in this country. The success rate for women under 35 using their own eggs is approaching 30 per cent.
Asked if she would have the treatment too in order to conceive a baby, the answer Louise Brown gave the IoS in 2003 was an unhesitating: "Yes". But in the end, to her great but very private joy, it appears not to have been necessary.
* Read more: Sir Robert Edwards, the pioneer in IVF
- Medical Training
- Fertility Specialist
- > Trained under Lord Professor Robert Winston
- > Sir Edwards and Thanos Paraschos
- Obstetrician
- > Collaboration with Professor Kypros Nicolaides
- Gynaecologist
- Publications in Reer-Reviewed Journals
- Presentations in Infertility & Reproduction
Obstetrician trained for High Risk Pregnancies and Birth Complications
Obstetrician and Fertility Specialist Dr Thanos Paraschos has helped more than 30,000 babies get born. Since 1996, he has been running EmBIO Medical Center, (Athens, Greece) and performing all types of labors at IASO Maternity Clinic.
As a Registrar at the Southmead Hospital (Bristol), the third largest obstetric clinic in England, he was responsible for all operative deliveries (Simpson’s, Wrigley’s and Kielland’s forceps, ventouse vacuum extraction and Caesarean sections). Among his responsibilities was the training of new obstetricians and midwives.
With Miss G. Turner, he performed complicated pregnancies (diabetes, phaeochromocytoma, prolactinoma, haemoglobinopathies, lupus and rhesus alloimmunisation, renal disease). At the time, Dr Paraschos was running the diabetic antenatal clinic along with the medical team, attending perinatal morbidity and perinatal mortality meetings.
At the Southmead Hospital, Dr Paraschos gained sound experience in managing normal and abnormal labour. The unit performs 6250 deliveries per year. As a Senior House Officer at the Southmead, he performed numerous ventouse extractions, traction and rotational forceps deliveries. He also conducted vaginal breech and twin deliveries. Both elective and emergency Caesarean sections were performed for various clinical indications.
As a Registrar at the Hammersmith University Hospital (London), he gained significant experience managing high-risk pregnancies. The Hammersmith is the par excellence hospital for high-risk pregnancies in London. The hospital accepts up to 200 in utero transfer cases per year from all over London and surrounding districts. For two years (1993-1995), Dr Thanos Paraschos was dealing with cases of severe preeclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction, premature labor, premature rupture of membranes and multiple pregnancy (twins, triplets), labor for women over 45, pregnant women with diabetes etc.
As a Senior House Officer at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH), Dr Thanos Paraschos gained significant expertise in the management of obstetric problems and complications during pregnancy. The delivery rate at NNUH, one of the largest hospitals in the UK, is 5500 per year. Performing a wide range of obstetric risk procedures, he gained valuable experience.
Ultrasound Scan in Pregnancy
Dr Paraschos acquired his ultrasound skills at the King’s College Hospital under Professor Kypros Nikolaides, the inventor of the nuchal translucency test (nuchal scan). Working with Mr P Smith at the Bristol Maternity Hospital (Southmead), he gained experience in detailed ultrasonography and Doppler studies. He enhanced his expertise in obstetric ultrasound procedures, performing ultrasound amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS).
Collaboration with Professor Kypros Nikolaides
* Professor Nikolaides with Dr. Paraschos at Embio
EmBIO Medical Center collaborates with Professor Kypros Nikolaides, Professor of Fetal Medicine at King’s College London. Their scientific collaboration gives a chance to medical students of King’s College in London specializing in Assisted Reproduction Technologies to shadow Dr Paraschos’ fertility team at EmBIO throughout advanced and regular IVF procedures.
About Professor Kypros Nikolaides
Kypros Nikolaides is a professor of Fetal Medicine at King’s College, London. Born in Paphos in 1953, he started his career in 1980 after graduating from the College of Medicine and Dentistry at King's College London, where he joined Professors Stuart Campbell and Charles Rodek to conduct research at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology as Professor Rodek’s first assistant. The Rodek-Nikolaidis team soon released some very important works/studies on the use of fetoscopy in the treatment of a wide range of disorders, such as rhesus isoimmunization, dropsy of the fetus and intrauterine growth retardation, and also developed techniques such as taking blood and tissue samples for the diagnosis of monogenic diseases.
In 1986, Nicolaides became Director of the Harris Birthright Research Centre for Fetal Medicine, the first Fetal Medicine Unit in the United Kingdom, opened in 1984 by Diana, Princess of Wales. His programme of research and teaching made King's College Hospital the largest and most renowned centre for fetal medicine in the world.
He has held the position of Professor of Fetal Medicine at King's College London since 1992. He has been a member of several study groups of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Chairman of the Educational Committee of the World Association of Perinatal Medicine and the Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
He is also the Founder and Chairman of the UK Charity, the Fetal Medicine Foundation, which he set up in 1995. The main source of income of the Charity is a private clinic, and the Fetal Medicine Foundation has donated more than £45 million to finance the training of doctors from around the world and to carry out major multi-centre research studies in fetal medicine. The Fetal Medicine Foundation also organises the yearly World Congress in Fetal Medicine, which is attended by more than 2,000 participants and has implemented a series of internet-based educational courses for doctors and patients, which are available free of charge.
Nicolaides has authored over 1,500 peer-reviewed journal articles and more than 30 books and monographs. He has an H-index of 185, which is the highest of any Obstetrician & Gynaecologist in the world, and has had his research cited over 130,000 times. He has supervised 55 doctors obtaining PhD and MD qualifications and provided training in Fetal Medicine to over 700 doctors from 50 countries.
Nicolaides has developed methods of:
- screening for premature birth (which is the main cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality) by measurement of cervical length and prevention through the use of vaginal progesterone
- screening for pre-eclampsia (which is one of the main causes of maternal mortality) by measurement of blood flow to the uterus by Doppler and measurement of blood pressure and the hormone placental growth factor and prevention through the use of aspirin
- methods of early screening for chromosomal abnormalities through the measurement of nuchal translucency and spina bifida through the ‘lemon and banana’ signs
- methods of fetal therapy, including fetal blood transfusions for the red cell in immunized pregnancies, thoracoamniotic shunting for fetal pleural effusions, endoscopic laser surgery for identical twin pregnancies with severe twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome in collaboration with Professor Yves Ville and endoscopic placement of a balloon in the fetal trachea for the treatment of severe diaphragmatic hernia in collaboration with Professors Jan Deprest and Eduard Gratacos.
- He has recently proposed a new model of pregnancy care - "Turning the Pyramid of Prenatal Care". This aims to assess the risk for most of the relevant pregnancy complications affecting the mother and unborn child during a hospital visit at 11–13 weeks of gestation and, on the basis of such risks, provide personalised care to reduce an adverse outcome.
Moreover, Professor Nicolaides collaborates with EmBIO Medical Center. Last but not least, this scientific collaboration allows for medical students of King’s College in London, specialising in Assisted Reproduction Technologies, to shadow Dr. Paraschos’ experienced fertility team at EmBIO throughout advanced and regular IVF procedures.
NICU - Paediatric Care
Working at the SCBU of Southmead Hospital Dr Paraschos was involved in all aspects of neonatal care. Southmead hospital provides care for the 6,250 infants born there. Αt the specialist neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), he gained precious expertise in neonatal care procedures such as lumbar puncture, umbilical line insertion and peripheral line insertion, infant resuscitation, endotracheal intubation and endotracheal ventilation. He was first on call for operative deliveries or when there was any evidence of fetal distress.
Free Online Consultation with Thanos Paraschos and Embio team
Read more:
- Medical Training
- Fertility Specialist
- > Trained under Lord Professor Robert Winston
- > Sir Edwards and Thanos Paraschos
- Obstetrician
- > Collaboration with Professor Kypros Nicolaides
- Gynaecologist
- Publications in Reer-Reviewed Journals
- Presentations in Infertility & Reproduction
Being a gynecologist is about helping a woman be healthy and fertile. Founding a fertility and gynecology clinic was what Thanos Paraschos always wanted to do.
Teaching and practising at leading UK gynecology clinics, he realized just how crucial a gynecologist’s surgery experience can be for a patient. It’s not only about the difference between a long, open-surgery cut and a tiny incision via laparoscopy for a myomectomy.
Most importantly, it’s about trust. And that is gained through vast experience in:
- Gynecology Tests (ultrasound scan, hysteroscopy, hysterosalpingogram - HSG, colposcopy, endometrial biopsy) and diagnosis through which the best therapy, surgical or non-surgical, can be provided.
- Gynecologic Surgery: total abdominal hysterectomy, total vaginal hysterectomy, myomectomies, colposuspensions, laser endometrial ablation, endometrial resection, anterior repair, posterior repair, laparotomy for ectopic pregnacies and ovarian cyst accidents) etc.
Gynecologic Surgery at EmBIO and IASO
Since 1996, Dr Paraschos has been performing advanced laparoscopic gynecological surgeries at EmBIO and IASO Hospital.
The bottom line of his experience as a gynecology surgeon is this: If an operation can be avoided, it will be, as long as that is to your benefit. There are times you need to trust your gynaecologist when they say “enough with the ultrasound scan, time for a hysteroscopy.”
Gynecologic Emergencies
At Southmead Hospital and Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, the 3rd and 6th largest obstetric clinics in the UK, respectively, he learned how to best diagnose and surgically treat gynecologic emergencies.
Gynecologic Oncology
At NNUH Colposcopy Clinic Dr. Paraschos learned how to diagnose and treat cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: laser excision and loop excision of the transformation zone, and laser ablation for CIN. At Southmead Hospital I performed radical surgery for gynecologic oncology.
At Southmead Hospital, he performed colposuspensions, and Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz (MMK) and Stamey procedures, with Paul Abrams, an internationally acclaimed urogynecologist in the field of urinary incontinence.
At Southmead Hospital, he was involved in managing problems of post-menopausal women. At the Endocrine Clinic, together with Professor S. Franks, he managed problems such as hyperprolactinaemia, hirsutism and premenstrual tension.
Free Online Consultation with Thanos Paraschos and Embio team
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Pregnancies resulting from embryos biopsied for preimplantation diagnosis of genetic disease: biochemical and ultrasonic studies in the first trimester of pregnancy
J Assist Reprod Genet. 1996 Mar;13(3):254-8.
Soussis I, Harper JC, Kontogianni E, Paraschos T, Packham D, Handyside AH, Winston RM
Institute of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK
Related citations
Clinical experience with preimplantation genetic diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (delta F508)
1: Prenat Diagn. 1996 Feb;16(2):137-42.
Ao A, Ray P, Harper J, Lesko J, Paraschos T, Atkinson G, Soussis I, Taylor D, Handyside A, Hughes M, Winston RM
Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, RPMS, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK
Related citations
Results of IVF in patients with endometriosis: the severity of the disease does not affect the outcome, or the incidence of miscarriage
Human reproduction. 1995 Jun;10(6):1507-11.
Geber S, Paraschos T, Atkinson G, Margara R, Winston RM
Hammersmith Hospital, Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London, UK
Related citations
The zona reaction in human oocytes as seen with scanning electron microscopy
1: Hum Reprod. 1994 Nov;9(11):2135-8.
Nikas G, Paraschos T, Psychoyos A, Handyside AH
Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Reproduction, Hôpital Bicêtre, Bâtiment Gregory Pincus, INSERM, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France
Related citations
Normal development and metabolic activity of preimplantation embryos in vitro from patients with polycystic ovaries
1: Hum Reprod. 1995 Aug;10(8):2125-35.
Hardy K, Robinson FM, Paraschos T, Wicks R, Franks S, Winston RM
Human Embryology Laboratory, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK
Related citations
Endovaginal ultrasonography in the diagnosis of adenomyosis uteri: Identifying the predictive characteristics
1: Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 1995 Jun; 102(6):471-4.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK
Brosens JJ, de Souza NM, Barker FG, Paraschos T, Winston RML
Related citations
IVF treatment in genital tuberculosis
Hum. Reprod., Vol. 8;117, Sup. 1, 1993
Soussis I, Paraschos T, Margara RA and Winston RML
Predictive value of progesterone levels on the day of HCG administration on successful outcome after IVF
Hum. Reprod., Vol. 8; 307, Sup. 1, 1993
Soussis I, Paraschos T, Margara RA and Winston RML
A survey of obstetric outcome in 43 higher order multiple pregnancies following in vitro fertilisation
Hum. Reprod., Vol. 8; 5653, Sup. 1, 1993
Soussis I, Paraschos T, and Winston RML
Follicular fluid levels of midazolam, alfentanil and fentanyl during ultrasound guided transvaginal oocyte retrieval
Fertil Steril. 1995 Nov;64(5):1003-7; Proceedings of the British Fertility Society, Oxford, UK 1993
International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, published on the abstract journal
Soussis I, Boyd O, Paraschos T, Duffy S. And Grounds M.
Related citations
The potential value of magnetic resonance imaging in infertility
Clin Radiol. 1995 Feb;50(2):75-9
De Souza N, Brosens JJ, Schwieso J, Paraschos T, Winston RML
Related citations
The role of transmyometrial tru-cut biopsies in the diagnosis of adenomyosis
Abstract book, 4th World Congress on Endometriosis FC; 27, 1994
Brosens JJ, Barker F, Paraschos T, Winston RML
The incidence of adenomyosis diagnosed by MR imaging in subfertile women with menorrhagia
Abstract book, 4th World Congress on Endometriosis P; 9, 1994
Brosens JJ, De Souza N, Scheieso J, Paraschos T, Winston RML
Audit of screening for chlamydia before vacuum termination of pregnancy
Hum. Reprod., Vol. 9; 630, Sup 4, 1994
Paraschos T, Blythe A.J, Soussis J, and Smith P.A.S.
Should all women be screened for gestational glucose intolerance?
Hum. Reprod., Vol. 9; 631, Sup.4, 1994
Paraschos T, Grant S, Soussis J, Turner G, and Speidel B
Treatment of adenomyosis with the application of intrauterine Danazol ring
Sent for publication, Hum. Reprod.
Brossens J, Paraschos T, De Souza N, Schwieso J, Winston RML
The value of serum HCG in pregnancy outcome after human IVF and embryo transfer
Sent for publication to the Fertility Sterility
Paraschos T, Packam D, Winston RML
Co-treatment with human growth hormone and synthetic follicle stimulating hormones for induction of ovulation: a controlled clinical trial
Sent for publication to the Fertility Sterility
Paraschos T, Atkinson G, Franks S, Winston RML
Supplementary growth hormone treatment of women with poor ovarian response to exogenous synthetic follicle stimulating hormones: changes in serum and follicular fluid insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3)
In collaboration with the University of Manchester
Sent for publication to the Fertility Sterility
Paraschos T, Atkinson G, Franks S, Winston RML
Preimplantantion diagnosis: Five years experience
Sent for publication to the Hum. Reprod.
Paraschos T, Soussis J, Harper J, Handyside AH, Winston RML
Preimplantation diagnosis in Cystic Fibrosis: Four years experience
Sent for publication to the Fertility Sterility
Ray P, Paraschos T, Handyside AH, Winston RML
The effect of repeated IVF attempts on the ability of the ovary to respond to attempted superovulation
Oral presentation
Proceedings of the British Fertility Society, Oxford, UK, 1993
Atkinson G, Paraschos T, Soussis I, Margara RA, Winston RML
Clinical results and outcome from fertile patients who are carriers of sex-linked genetic diseases
Sent for publication to the Fertility Sterility
Paraschos T, Soussis J, Harper J, Handyside AH, Winston RML
Single cell analysis for diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis in human embryos before implantation
Sent for publication to the Fertility Sterility
Paraschos T, Ray P, Handyside AH, Winston RML
Single cell analysis for diagnosis of Lesch-Nyhan syndrome in human embryos before implantation
Sent for publication to the Lancet
Paraschos T, Ray P, Handyside AH, Winston RML
In Vitro Fertilization treatment in genital tuberculosis
Sent for publication to the Hum. Reprod.
Soussis I, Paraschos T, Trew G, Nikas G, Margara R.A, Winston RML
Symptoms after day-case In Vitro Fertilization
Sent for publication to the International Journal of Fertility and Menopausal Studies
Soussis I, Trew G, Paraschos T, Mataliotakis J, Margara RA, Winston RML
Follitropin Alpha for Assisted Reproduction: An economic and statistical analysis based on a single-arm, multi-center, prospective, non-interventional study in Greece.
Current Medical Research & Opinion, May 2022
Fragoulakis, Vassilis; University of Piraeus, Economic Deparment Mantis, Andreas; National Technical University of Athens, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Christoforidis, Nikolaos; Embryolab, Fertility Center Dovas, Dimitrios; Newlife IVF, Fertility Center Deftereos, Spyros; Merck SA Greece, Fertility Lainas, Tryfwnas; Eugonia, Assisted Reproduction Unit Mantoudis, Evripidis; Gennima, Medically Assisted Reproduction Unit and Cryopreservation Bank Paraschos, Thanos; emBIO, Fertility Sakellariou, Dimitris; Merck SA Greece, Fertility Makrakis, Evangelos; Embryo A.R.T. Center, Fertility
- Medical Training
- Fertility Specialist
- > Trained under Lord Professor Robert Winston
- > Sir Edwards and Thanos Paraschos
- Obstetrician
- > Collaboration with Professor Kypros Nicolaides
- Gynaecologist
- Publications in Reer-Reviewed Journals
- Presentations in Infertility & Reproduction
Presentations in Infertility and Reproduction
Oral, poster publications and invitations in international congresses
Endometriosis - Current Management and Future Trends
Paraschos T
MSRM (Mediterranean Society for Reproductive Medicine) International Meeting, under the auspices of the University of Crete, Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece, October 2011 (invited speaker)
IVF treatment in genital tuberculosis
Soussis I, Paraschos T, Margara RA, Winston RML
Proceedings of the 9th ESHRE Annual Meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece 1993 (poster presentation)
The effect of repeated IVF attempts on the ability of the ovary to respond to attempted superovulation
Atkinson G, Paraschos T, Soussis I, Margara RA, Winston RML
Proceedings of the British Fertility Society, Oxford, UK, 1993 (oral presentation)
Monitoring of IVF cycles
Paraschos T
Proceedings of the MSc course in Reproductive Medicine, Hammersmith, London, UK, February 1994 (invited speaker)
Oocyte Retrieval and Embryo Transfer
Paraschos T
Proceedings of the MSc course in Reproductive Medicine, Hammersmith, London, UK, February 1994 (invited speaker)
Adenomyosis: Diagnosis and Treatment
Paraschos T
Proceedings of the MSc course in Reproductive Medicine, Hammersmith, London, UK, February 1994 (invited speaker)
Transvaginal ultrasound in the diagnosis of Adenomyosis: Identifying the predictive characteristics
Brosens JJ, Paraschos T, Winston RML, Barker F
Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Endometriosis, Salvador-Bahia, Brazil, May 1994 (oral presentation)
Preimplantation Diagnosis: The Clinician’s point of view
Paraschos T, Winston RML
Proceedings of the XII Journees de Gynecologie de Nice et de la Cote D’Azur Nice, France, June 1994 (invited speaker; round table: ‘Genetics and Ethics’)
Audit of screening for clamydia before vacuum termination of pregnancy
Paraschos T, Blythe AJ, Soussis J, Smith P.A.S
Proceedings of the 10th ESHRE Annual Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, June 1994
Management of triplet and quadruplet pregnancies following in vitro fertilization
Soussis I, Mataliotakis I, Paraschos T, Winston RML
Review of 52 cases
Proceedings of the Crete Congress, Crete, Greece, 1994 (oral presentation)
The diagnostic value of the vaginal ultrasonography in the early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy
Soussis I, Mataliotakis I, Paraschos T, Winston RML
Proceedings of the Crete Congress, Crete, Greece, 1994 (oral presentation)
The value of transvaginal ultrasound in the diagnosis of adenomyosis
Paraschos T, Brosens JJ, Soussis I, Nikas G, Hopkins L, Winston RML
Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Athens, Greece 1994
Levels of serum hCG in early pregnancy following IVF and embryo transfer (E.T.)
Paraschos T, Soussis I, Katrania D, Packham C, Dawson K, Winston R
Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Athens, Greece, 1994
Results of IVF in patients with endometriosis: the severity of disease does not affect the outcome nor the incidence of miscarriages
Paraschos T, Atkinson G, Katrania D, Soussis I, Mattaliotakis J, Winston RML
Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Athens, Greece, 1994
Subendometrial smooth muscle hyperlasia diagnosed by MRI imaging: A new disease
Paraschos T, Brosens JJ, Soussis I, Nikas G, Winston RML
Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Athens, Greece, 1994
Pregnancy after BMT induced by In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) of patients’ ova, embryo cryopreservation and reimplantation
Paraschos T, Atkinson G, Katrania D, Soussis I, Dawson K., Robert Winston RML
Proceeding of the 6th Hellenic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Athens, Greece 1994
Twin pregnacies following In Vitro Fertilisation: Comparison with naturally conceived twins
Hopkins L, Soussis I, Paraschos T, Mattaliotakis J, Katrania D, Winston RML
Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Athens, Greece, 1994
Effects of placental age and method of delivery on arachidonic metabolism by trophoblast
Patel L, Paraschos T, Soussis I, Mattaliotakis J. Gatos E, Sullivan N
Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Athens
Greece, 1994
Uterine perforation: one year experience at the Hammersmith Hospital
Soussis I, Hopkins L, Mattaliotakis J, Paraschos T, Winston RML
Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Athens, Greece, 1994
Triplet pregnancies following In Vitro Fertilisation
Soussis I, Paraschos T, Mattaliotakis J, Katrania D, Kontogiani E, Winston RML
Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Athens, Greece, 1994
Cumulative pregnancy success rate following In Vitro Fertilisatin (IVF) at the Hammersmith Hospital
Soussis I, Paraschos T, Mattaliotakis J. Kontogianni E, Katrania D, de Coursy-Wheeler R, Margara R, Winston RML
Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Athens Greece 1994
Development of surface membrane polarity in human embryo development in vitro
Nikas G, Paraschos T, Psychoyos A, Handyside AH
Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Athens, Greece 1994
Clinical aspect of preimplantation diagnosis
Paraschos T
Proceedings of the MSc course in reproductive medicine, Hammersmith, London, UK, October 1994 (invited speaker)
Paraschos T
Proceedings of the MSc course in reproductive medicine, Hammersmith, London, UK, October 1994 (invited speaker)
Medical Courses
In Vitro Maturation
Hands-on course, McGill University (Montreal, Canada), by Dr. S.L. Tan, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology (the world’s first IVM treatments), October 2007
Reproductive Endocrinology
Postgraduate course, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 1993
Imperial College London, 1992
International Gynecological Endoscopy Symposium and hands-on workshop
Whittington Hospital, London, March 1992
MRCOG (Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists)
Part I Course, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham, Jan 1991
Obstetric Ultrasound
Bristol Maternity Hospital, Bristol, May 1991
Postgraduate courses in Infertility and Human Reproduction
Athens, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 1990
Practical Colposcopy
Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, May 1990
Basic Obstetric Ultrasound
King’s College Hospital, London, Oct 1989
Basic Family Planning
Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, Norwich, Sept 1989
General Medicine
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1988
Free Online Consultation with Thanos Paraschos and Embio team